British PM Rishi Sunak Discloses Tax Records: Earned £47 Million in 3 Years;

Transparency in government is a cornerstone of democratic societies, and one way to achieve this is through the disclosure of politicians’ tax information. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently released his tax records for the past three years, revealing that he earned a total of 47 lakh pounds in income during that time. However, 10 lakh pounds of that income was paid in taxes.

Sunak’s tax records also show that he paid £4,32,493 in taxes for the 2021-22 tax year, £3,93,217 in taxes for 2020-21, and £2,27,350 in taxes for 2019-20. He also paid $6,892 in taxes in the United States on dividends of $45,948, reflecting his previous residence in California.

The figures show that in the 2021/22 tax year, Sunak earned approximately £20 lakh in income and capital gains. Of that amount, £1,72,415 was earned as dividends and £16 lakh as capital gain. His income from investments that year was more than double his salary as an MP.

Sunak’s tax disclosure occurred during a scandal known as “Partygate,” during which accusations were made against government officials for breaking pandemic-related rules. Some critics believe that Sunak released his tax information at this time to divert attention from the scandal. On the same day, Parliament considered post-Brexit legislation related to Northern Ireland.

Sunak is not the first British Prime Minister to release his tax information. His predecessors David Cameron and Theresa May also disclosed their tax records. However, current politicians Boris Johnson and Liz Truss have not released their tax information.

Overall, Sunak’s tax disclosure highlights the importance of transparency in government and the need for politicians to be open about their financial dealings.

Rishi Sunak, tax records, income, transparency in government, Partygate scandal, UK politics

#RishiSunak #TaxRecords #Transparency #PartygateScandal #UKPolitics

RishiSunaktax records, income, transparency, government, Partygate, scandal, #UK, #Politics

British PM Rishi Sunak Discloses Tax Records

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